Nothing too exciting happened over the last week.
We left the (amazing) Flaming Gorge area last Saturday and made the short drive over to Evanston, Wyoming. I had to be in Evanston for a work conference during the week and other than that the most exciting thing to happen was getting two new front tires for the truck.
The week went by pretty quickly and by Friday morning we were back on the road, finally heading south for the fall/winter.
The next major destination was Montrose, Colorado, just outside of Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. But in between Evanston and Montrose, we stopped for a night at a great boondocking spot a little east of Green River, Utah.
The boondocking spot is known as the Athena Slabs and it was super easy to get to. Apparently it was an old Air Force base with missile launch pads that were used to send test missiles into the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The buildings are all gone but left behind are 56 concrete slabs that are 35’ long and 16’ wide, perfect for an RV or 5th wheel to use for an overnight stay.
We had the place pretty much to ourselves and after an enjoyable and peaceful night, we were back on the road Saturday and rolled into our spot in Montrose by mid-afternoon. Today we’re spending the day exploring the national park and then we’ll be working the rest of the week until we hit the road again on Friday to make our way down to Mesa Verde National Park for a couple weeks.
It feels good to be heading south and chasing that Autumn sun.