Well, we have officially made the jump and are now full-timers. Neither one of us had ever spent a single night in an RV or 5th wheel and now we live in one full-time.
On Saturday we said goodbye to the house we had been renting in Portland since December 2020 (the Boston House) and drove our truck (Betty) over to the spot he have been storing our 5th wheel trailer (Homer*). We hitched up and hit the road – next stop: Corvallis, Oregon. After a quick stop at a CAT scale to weigh our rig (under 15,000 pounds!!) we made it to our first destination and set up camp.

But the first day was not without adventure. We almost went under an overpass that was too low and would have torn off the entire roof, or at least the air conditioners and solar panels (never trusting Betty’s GPS again). The power cable we had was 10 feet too short to reach the power box at our camping spot so I had to make a “quick” 2-hour trip down and back to the Camping World store in Eugene to get an extension cord that cost over $200. One of our glasses got tossed around during the trip and crashed to the floor when we opened the cabinet.

But, even with all that, we were all smiles when we finally settled down to watch the Timbers game and enjoy our first night in our new home.

On Sunday we ran a bunch of errands and did a lot of troubleshooting (we figured out how to turn on the water, the water heater, and how to use the bathroom!) and we also found time to make a stop at my favorite ciderhouse in Oregon (2 Towns) for a flight tasting and to fill up our mini-keg. Then it was back home to cook dinner in our kitchen for the first time.

Monday we started our first week of working from the road (lots of firsts!) but before the morning started I took a couple pictures of our main living space.

We’ll be in Corvallis through the end of this week and then we move on to the coast for the rest of May. We’re learning new things about Homer* every day and adjusting to the new lifestyle.
All in all it has been a really good and successful first few days. We’re excited to have our first black tank dump station experience on Friday and to settle in at the coast this weekend!
*Homer might just be a temporary name for the 5th wheel. We kind of stole the name from our solar contractor, Todd, who named one of his trailers Homer but we liked the name and haven’t come up with anything better yet.
Thank you for the blog! And the pictures! Looks so nice- more big windows than I expected to let in the light. And love the smiles!
Glad you figured out how to use the bathroom! Good luck with the dump. 😁
BTW, now I think of you as the Duckalos. 🤭
You’re welcome, we’re glad we decided to do a blog – thanks for the push!
I like duckalos, we’ve created something new!
One little typo…”he” instead of “we.”
How about Odysseus?
I’m not sure Homer is gonna stick. Odysseus might be too many syllables but I’m sure the right name will come to us at some point!
Looks fun!
Thanks! We can’t wait until we make it out to Colorado so you all can see it!
I’m so happy that you’re sharing your adventures with us! I’ll be living vicariously through you! Be well and keep those beautiful smiles upon your faces.
Thanks! We’re excited to see what comes next!
That looks more lived in than when we saw it! We need to see Lauren’s office. Good luck with the continued adventures!
Lauren’s office is still a work in progress but I’d say we’re halfway there. We’ll post pictures of that soon!
Right on!
You all should come find us before we leave the state!